On Wednesday, Apple finished up its Mac week by announcing an updated MacBook Pro. This top-of-the-line laptop is now getting new M4 chips, which are also being added to the Pro and Mini models, with the Pro being the first to offer an upgraded option called M4 Max.
The new MacBook Pros will come in 14-inch and 16-inch sizes, featuring bright Liquid Retina XDR displays that can reach 1,000 nits of brightness. Both sizes will have options for M4, M4 Pro, and M4 Max chips, along with a 12-megapixel webcam. The Pro models are also getting a technology upgrade for their Thunderbolt ports. Apple claims these new laptops can last up to 24 hours on a single charge, which is the longest battery life it has ever promised for a MacBook.
In addition to the hardware upgrades, Apple is also improving its software with features that were recently introduced in macOS Sequoia 15.1. This includes new writing tools, image cleanup options, article summaries, and a new typing feature for Siri. A future update, 15.2, will add even more features that Apple announced earlier this year.
Both MacBook Pro models will start with 16GB of memory. The MacBook Air is also getting this memory boost for its M2 and M3 models, but it will otherwise remain the same as last year. The price for the M2 MacBook Air is still $999.
For pricing, the 14-inch MacBook Pro starts at $1,599 for the M4 model and $1,999 for the M4 Pro model, while the 16-inch version starts at $2,499. Preorders began on Wednesday, with shipments starting on November 8, along with new iMac and Mac mini models that were announced earlier in the week.