Renowned Nollywood actor Bolanle Ninalowo has revealed the touching motivation behind his support for his 18-year-old daughter, Aliyah, in getting a navel piercing.
In an open conversation with media personality VJ Adams, Ninalowo shared that Aliyah initially wanted to pierce her tongue. However, he expressed his discomfort with that idea and suggested she consider a navel piercing instead.
Ninalowo elaborated that his decision was driven by his desire to foster a strong father-daughter relationship. “It’s about connecting with her and understanding her choices,” he stated.
Ninalowo explained that his decision was rooted in his dedication to fostering a strong father-daughter relationship. “It’s about connecting with her and understanding her choices,” he stated.
The actor mentioned that he took his daughter to the piercing studio and covered the cost of the procedure, highlighting that a navel ring is easily removable and less permanent than other body modifications.
A video of Ninalowo discussing the experience has gone viral, generating mixed reactions online. While many applauded his approach to open communication and trust with his daughter, others shared different opinions on parenting styles.
For Ninalowo, the focus was on creating a safe and understanding environment for Aliyah. “It’s not about control; it’s about guidance,” he emphasized.