On Thursday, Brave announced an exciting new feature for its search engine called AI chat mode, which will help users ask follow-up questions based on their initial searches. Earlier this year, Brave introduced a tool called “Answer with AI” that provides easy-to-read summaries above the search results when you enter a question. Now, with the new chat mode, users can not only get a summary but also ask additional questions right after their first query.
This new feature sets Brave apart from Google, which is the largest search engine globally. While Google does have something similar called “AI Overviews,” it doesn’t allow users to ask follow-up questions without starting a brand new search. With Brave, if you search for something like “Christopher Nolan films,” you’ll receive a summary generated by AI that tells you who Christopher Nolan is and lists some of his famous movies. Starting today, right below that summary, there will be a chat bar that says, “Ask a follow-up question.”
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For example, if you type in a follow-up question like, “Which actors appear most in his films?” the AI chatbot will respond with a list of actors who frequently work with Nolan. This interactive chat will not only provide answers but also show you the sources of the information for each new question you ask.
Brave explains that this new chat feature combines the strengths of traditional search engines and AI chat tools. Search engines are great at finding images, links, and straightforward information, while AI chatbots excel at exploring topics through a conversation. With this new addition, Brave is merging these two types of tools, making it easier for users to get the information they want in a way that feels more like a conversation.
Additionally, Brave emphasizes that your interactions with the AI remain private and secure. The Brave Search engine does not store your search queries or create a profile based on your activities.
To give you an idea of how popular Brave Search is, the company revealed that it handles over 36 million searches every day and its AI tool generates more than 11 million answers daily.