Users of a platform called X no longer have to pay for a premium subscription, known as X Premium, in order to use its artificial intelligence chatbot called Grok. Instead, the platform now offers a new deal where users can send 10 free messages, or “prompts,” to Grok every two hours. This change was highlighted by The Verge, which mentioned that several users of X noticed the update.
Prior to this, X had started testing a free version of Grok in certain places, such as New Zealand, as reported by Dandali last month.
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Additionally, users can create 10 images for free every two hours, which means they can generate visual content without any cost. However, when it comes to analyzing images, users are allowed to examine only 3 images per day for free. If someone wants to analyze more than 3 images in a day, they will need to sign up for a paid subscription.
This new setup resembles a “freemium” model, which is a pricing strategy where basic services are provided for free, but users have the option to pay for additional features. This approach is similar to what other AI platforms like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Anthropic’s Claude offer. Previously, Grok was only available to users who paid for X Premium, which cost at least $8 each month or $84 each year.
The company responsible for Grok, called xAI, has recently raised a significant amount of money—$6 billion, according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This brings their total funding to a staggering $12 billion.