Princess Chineke, a Nollywood actress, has enlisted in the U.S. Army. The former beauty queen, who represented her state in the Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria (MBGN) pageant, has exchanged her crown for a soldier’s uniform, marking a surprising career transition. According to The Nation, she is the first Nollywood actress to join the U.S. Army.
Princess Chineke has previously modeled for various television commercials, billboards, and runways. Her decision to enlist has surprised many fans who remember her for her captivating performances on screen. Some of her notable works include Battleground, Forever in Me, Last Flight to Abuja, Super Story, Papa Ajasco, Tales of Eve, Ada Mbano, To Love a Sister, Amaonyebuoneye, Give it Up, Masters at War, 2broken, Airline Bases, Mmeso, Royal Maid, Professor Johnbull, and Ay Show Skit.
Despite being a former Miss UNIBEN, the actress has expressed her passion for serving her adopted country. “I love the prestige that comes with the American military,” Princess Chineke stated. “As a citizen of this great country that has done so much for me, I feel it’s my turn to give back. God bless America.”