Elon Musk‘s social media platform, X, has made some changes to how it charges for access to its API (the tool developers use to connect their apps to the platform). Starting today, the price for the basic plan has gone up from $100 to $200 per month, but it now offers more features.
With the new plan, developers can read more data—15,000 times instead of 10,000—and they will also have access to new tools, like finding posts that mention them and searching for communities.
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However, there seems to be a mistake on X’s website, as it still shows the old limits for the API, and the company hasn’t responded to questions about this.
In addition, X announced a new free version of the API for developers, but it comes with some cuts: the number of posts they can make has dropped from 1,500 to just 500, and they can only make 100 read requests.
X is also offering annual plans that are cheaper than paying monthly. The yearly cost for the basic plan is $2,100, while the pro plan costs $54,000.
Earlier this year, X allowed developers to buy extra limits for reading and posting, but now they can only buy two extras per month for each plan.